باب 1 فضل العقل وذم الجهل.
االيات، البقرة: اليات لقوم يعقلون 164 " وقال تعاىل ": كذلك يبني اهلل لكم آياته لعلكم تعقلون 242 " وقال تعاىل ": وما
يذكر إال اولوا االلباب 269
The Verses of (Surah Al-Baqarah): — there are signs for a people who are understanding [2:164]. And the Exalted Said: Like that, Allah Clarifies His Verses for you all, perhaps you may be minding [2:242]. And the Exalted Said: and none would mention (words of thanks) except for the ones of understanding [2:269].
آل عمران: وما يذكر إال اولوا االلباب 7 ” وقال تعاىل ”: قد بينا لكم اآليات إن كنتم تعقلون 118 ” وقال ”: إن يف خلق السموات واالرض واختالف الليل والنهار آليات الويل االلباب 190
(Surah) Aal-e-Imran: — And none (would) mention except those with the understanding [3:7]. And the Exalted Said: We have Clarified the Signs for you, if you use your intellects [3:118]. And Said: In the Creation of the skies and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day there are Signs for the ones of understanding [3:190].
املائدة: ذلك بأهنم قوم ال يعقلون 85 ” وقال تعاىل ”: فاتقوا اهلل يا اويل االلباب 100 ” وقال ”: وأكثرهم ال يعقلون 103
(Surah) Al-Ma’idah: — that is because they are a people who are not understanding [5:58]. And the Exalted Said: Therefore, fear Allah, O ones of understanding, [5:100]. And Said: and most of them are not understanding [5:103].
االنعام: ولكن أكثرهم جيهلون 111 ” وقال ”: وللدار اآلخرة خري للذين يتقون أفال تعقلون 32
Surah Al-Anam: — but most of them are ignorant [6:111]. And Said: And the House of the Hereafter is better for those who fear. Will you then not understand? [6:32].
االنفال: إن شر الدواب عند اهلل الصم البكم الذين ال يعقلون 22
(Surah) Al-Anfaal: — Surely, the vilest animals in the Presence of Allah are the deaf, the dumb, those who are not using their intellects [8:22].
يونس: أفأنت تسمع الصم ولو كانوا ال يعقلون 42 ” وقال تعاىل ”: وجيعل الرجس على الذين ال يعقلون 100
(Surah) Yunus: — But can you make the deaf to hear and even though they cannot understand? [10:42]. And the Exalted Said: and He Makes the uncleanness to be upon those who are not understanding [10:100].
هود: ولكين أريكم قوما جتهلون 29
(Surah) Hud : — They will meet their Lord, but I see you as an ignorant people [11:29].
يوسف: إنا أنزلناه قرآنا عربيا لعلكم تعقلون 2
(Surah) Yusuf : — Surely, We have Revealed it as an Arabic Quran, so you may use your intellect [12:2].
الرعد: إمنا يتذكر اولو االلباب 19
(Surah) Al Ra’ad: — But rather, the ones with the understanding will be mindful [13:19].
ابراهيم: وليذكر اولوا االلباب 52
(Surah) Ibrahim : — and for the ones of understanding to be mindful [14:52]
طه: إن يف ذلك آليات الويل النهى 54
(Surah) Ta Ha: — Surely, in that are Signs for the possessors of intellect [20:54]
النور: كذلك يبني اهلل لكم اآليات لعلكم تعقلون 61
(Surah) Al-Noor: — Like that, Allah Clarifies the Verses, perhaps you will use your intellects [24:61]
الزمر: إن يف ذلك لذكرى الويل االلباب 21
(Surah) Al-Zumar: — Surely, in that is a reminder for the ones of understanding [39:21]
املؤمن: هدى وذكرى الويل االلباب 54 ” وقال تعاىل ”: ولعلكم تعقلون 67
Being a Guidance and a Zikr to the ones of understanding [40:54]. And the Exalted Said: and perhaps you would use your intellects [40:67]
اجلاثية: آيات لقوم يعقلون 5
(Surah) Al-Jaasiya: — there are Signs for a people who are certain [45:4].
احلجرات: أكثرهم ال يعقلون 4
(Surah) Al-Hujuraat: — most of them are not using their intellects [49:4].
احلديد: قد بينا لكم اآليات لعلكم تعقلون 17
(Surah) Al-Hadeed: — perhaps you would be using your intellects [57:17].
احلشر: ذلك بأهنم قوم ال يعقلون 14
(Surah) Al-Hashar: — That is because they are a people not using their intellects [59:14].
1 - مع، ىل: احلافظ، عن أمحد بن عبد اهلل الثقفي، عن عيسى بن حممد الكاتب، عن املدائين، عن غياث بن إبراهيم، عن الصادق جعفر بن حممد، عن أبيه، عن جده (عليهم السالم) قال: قال علي بن أيب طالب (عليه السالم): عقول النساء يف مجاهلن، ومجال الرجال يف عقوهلم.
In accordance to Al Hafiz, from Ahmad Bin Abdullah Al Saqafy, from Isa Bin Muhammad, the scribe, from Al Madainy, from Gayas Bin Ibrahim, from Al-Sadiq Ja’far Bin Muhammad, from his father, from his grandfather who said: ‘Ali Bin Abu Talib said: ‘The intellect of the women is in their beauty, and the beauty of the men is in their intellect’.
2 - ىل: العطار، عن أبيه، عن سهل، عن حممد بن عيسى، عن البزنطي، عن مجيل عن الصادق جعفر بن حممد (عليهما السالم) قال كان أمري املؤمنني (عليه السالم) يقول: أصل االنسان لبه، وعقله دينه، ومروته حيث جيعل نفسه، وااليام دول، والناس إىل آدم شرع سواء.
According to Al Attar, from his father, from Sahl, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Bazanty, from Jameel, from Al-Sadiq Ja’far Bin Muhammad having said: ‘Amir Al-Momineen said: ‘The essence of the human being is his personality, and his intellect is his Religion, and his character is where he places himself, and the days rotate, and the people up to Adam started equally’.
3 - ىل: ابن إدريس، عن أبيه، عن ابن هاشم، عن ابن مرار، عن يونس، عن ابن سنان عن الصادق جعفر بن حممد (عليهما السالم) قال: مخس من مل يكن فيه مل يكن فيه كثري مستمتع، قيل: وما هن ؟ يا بن رسول اهلل !
According to Ibn Idrees, from his father, from Ibn Hashim, from Ibn Marar, from Yunus, from Ibn Sinan, from Al-Sadiq Ja’far Bin Muhammad having said: ‘Five (things), if these do not happen to be within someone, there would not be a lot of qualities in him’. It was said, ‘And what are these, O son of Rasool-Allah?’
قال: الدين، والعقل، واحلياء، وحسن اخللق، وحسن االدب ومخس من مل يكن فيه مل يتهنأ العيش: الصحة، واالمن، والغىن، والقناعة، واالنيس املوافق.
He said: ‘The Religion, and the intellect, and the bashfulness, and the good mannerisms, and good ethics. And five (things), if these do not happen to be within someone, the life would not be welcoming for him — the health, and the safety, and the riches, and the contentment, and the compatible gentle companion’.
4 - ل: أيب، عن سعد، عن ابن يزيد، عن إمساعيل بن قتيبة البصري، عن أيب خالد العجمي، عن أيب عبد اهلل (عليه السالم) قال: مخس من مل يكن فيه مل يكن فيه كثري مستمتع: الدين، والعقل، واالدب، واحلرية، وحسن اخللق.
According to my father, from Sa’ad, from Ibn Yazeed, from Ismail Bin Quteyba Al Basry, from Abu Khalid, Al Ajamy, ‘from Abu Abdullah having said: ‘Five (things), if these do not happen to be within someone, there would not be a lot of qualities in him — the Religion, and the intellect, and the ethics, and the freedom, and the good mannerisms’.