Bihar al-Anwaar Volume 2
Category: Islam
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Bihar al-Anwar (Arabic: بِحَار ٱلْأَنْوَار‎, meaning "Seas of Lights") is a comprehensive collection of traditions (ahadith) compiled by Shia scholar Mohammad-Baqer Majlesi (d. 1110/1698), known as Allama Majlisi. It is a hadith collection as the secondary source used beside the four books. Bihar al-Anwar which a compendium of Hadiths, historical subjects and commentaries on many Qur'anic verses, completed between 1106 AH (1694 AD) and 1110 AH (1698 AD).

بحار األنوار

Bihar al-Anwaar

2 ج

Volume 2

تأليف العالمة فخر االمة المولى الشيخ محمد باقر المجلسيى

The Allama, the Pride of the Community, the Mullah, the Sheikh Muhammad Baqir Al Majlisi

(باب 8) * (ثواب الهداية والتعليم، وفضلهما، وفضل العلماء، وذم اضالل الناس) *

Chapter 8 - Rewards of the Guidance and the Teaching and their Merits, and the Merits of the Scholars, and Condemnation of the Straying People

االيات، هود: أال لعنة اهلل على الظاملني الذين يصدون عن سبيل اهلل ويبغوهنا عوجا وهم باآلخرة هم كافرون 18، 19.

The Verses: (Surah) Hud Indeed, the Curse of Allah is upon the unjust [11:18] Those who are hindering from the Way of Allah and are seeking it to be crooked, and they are disbelieving in the Hereafter [11:19].

ابراهيم: الذين يستحبون احلياة الدنيا على اآلخرة ويصدون عن سبيل اهلل ويبغوهنا عوجا اولئك يف ضالل بعيد 3

(Surah) Ibrahim: Those who are loving the life of the world over the Hereafter and are hindering from the Way of Allah and seeking it to be crooked. They are in a far straying [14:3].

” وقال تعاىل “: وجعلوا هلل أندادا ليضلوا عن سبيله قل متتعوا فإن مصريكم إىل النار 30

And they are making rivals to be for Allah in order to stray (people) from His Way. Say: ‘Enjoy yourselves, surely your journey is to the Fire’ [14:30].

النحل: ليحملوا أوزارهم كاملة يوم القيامة، ومن أوزار الذين يضلوهنم بغري علم أال ساء ما يزرون 25

(Surah) Al-Nahl: They would be bearing their burdens entirely on the Day of Judgment, and from the burdens of those whom they are straying without knowledge. Indeed! Evil is what they are bearing [16:25].

”وقال تعاىل“ ادع إىل سبيل ربك باحلكمة واملوعظة احلسنة 125

Call to the Way of your Lord with the wisdom and goodly exhortation [16:125].

االنبياء: وجعلناهم أئمة يهدون بأمرنا 73

(Surah) Al-Anbiya: And We made them as Imams guiding by Our Command [21:73].

القصص: وال يصدنك عن آيات اهلل بعد إذ انزلت إليك وادع إىل ربك 87

(Surah) Al-Qasas: And do not let them block you from the Signs of Allah after when they have been Revealed to you, and invite to your Lord [28:87].

العنكبوت : وقال الذين كفروا للذين آمنوا اتبعوا سبيلنا ولنحمل خطاياكم وماهم حباملني من خطاياهم من شئ إهنم لكاذبون وليحملن أثقاهلم وأثقاال مع أثقاهلم وليسئلن يوم القيامة عما كانوا يفرتون 12، 13

(Surah) Al-Ankabout: And those who commit Kufr say to those who believe, ‘Follow our way and we will bear your sins’. And they will not bear anything from their sins. They are lying! [29:12] And they will bear their own burdens, and (other) burdens along with their own burdens, and they would be Questioned on the Day of Judgment about what they were fabricating [29:13].

التنزيل: وجعلنا منهم أئمة يهدون بأمرنا ملا صربوا كانوا بآياتنا يوقنون 24

And We Made Imams from them, guiding by Our Command, due to their being patient, and they were certain of Our Signs [32:24].

االحزاب: يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا اهلل وقولوا قوال سديدا يصلح لكم أعمالكم ويغفر لكم ذنوبكم

(Surah) Al-Ahzaab: O you those who believe! Fear Allah and speak the correct speech [33:70].

السجدة: وقال الذين كفروا ال تسمعوا هلذا القرآن والغوا فيه لعلكم تغلبون فلنذيقن الذين كفروا عذابا شديدا ولنجزينهم أسوء الذي كانوا يعملون” إىل قوله تعاىل “ وقال الذين كفروا ربنا أرنا الذين أضالنا من اجلن واالنس جنعلهما حتت أقدامنا ليكونا من األسفلني 26، 27، 29

(Surah) Al-Sajda: And those who commit Kufr (disbelief) say, ‘Do not listen to this Quran and make noise during it (its recitation), perhaps you will overcome’ [41:26] Therefore, We will Make those who commit Kufr to taste severe Punishment, and We will Recompense them for the evil which they had been doing [41:27]. Up to His Words: And those who committed Kufr would be saying, ‘Our Lord! Show us those who strayed us, from the Jinn and the humans, so we can make them to be under our feet for them to be from the lowest ones’ [41:29].

” وقال تعاىل “: ومن أحسن قوال ممن دعا إىل اهلل و عمل صاحلا وقال إنين من املسلمني 32

And the Exalted Said: And who is better in words than the one who supplicates to Allah and does righteous deeds, and says, ‘I am from the submitters’? [41:33].

الذاريات: وذ كر فإن الذكرى تنفع املؤمنني 55

(Surah) Al-Zariyaat: And continue to do Zikr, for surely the Zikr benefits the Momineen [51:55].

االعلى: فذكر إن نفعت الذكرى 9

(Surah) Al-A’ala: Therefore do Zikr, surely the Zikr is beneficial [87:9].

الغاشية: فذكر إمنا أنت مذكر 22

(Surah) Al-Ghashiya: Therefore do Zikr. But rather, you are a Zikr [88:21].

العصر: وتواصوا باحلق وتواصوا بالصرب 3

(Surah) Al-Asr: and enjoin each other with the Truth, and enjoin each other with the patience [103:3].

1 - م، ج: بإسناده إىل أيب حممد العسكري عليه السالم قال: حدثين أيب، عن آبائه، عن رسول اهلل صلى اهلل عليه وآله أنه قال: أشد من يتم اليتيم الذي انقطع عن أبيه يتم يتيم انقطع عن إمامه وال يقدر على الوصول إليه، وال يدري كيف حكمه فيما يبتلي به من شرائع دينه،

By his chain going up to Abu Muhammad Al-Askari having said: ‘My father narrated to me, from his forefathers, from Rasool-Allah having said: ‘Severer than the orphanhood of the orphan who is cut off from his father, is the orphanhood of an orphan cut off from his Imam, not being able upon reaching him, and he does not know what his rulings are regarding what he is involved with from the Laws of his Religion.

أال فمن كان من شيعتنا عاملا بعلومنا وهذا اجلاهل بشريعتنا املنقطع عن مشاهدتنا يتيم يف حجره أال فمن هداه وأرشده وعلمه شريعتنا كان معنا يف الرفيق األعلى.

Indeed! The one who was from our Shias being knowledgeable with our teachings, (is like the one who is holding) an orphan in his lap the one who is ignorant of our Laws, (due to being) cut-off from witnessing us. Indeed! So one who guides him and shows him the right way, and teaches him our Laws would be with us among the lofty friends’.

2 - م، ج: باإلسناد إىل أيب حممد العسكري عليه السالم قال: قال علي بن أيب طالب عليه السالم: من كان من شيعتنا عاملا بشريعتنا فأخرج ضعفاء شيعتنا من ظلمة جهلهم إىل نور العلم الذي حبوناه به جاء يوم القيامة وعلى رأسه تاج من نور يضيئ ألهل مجيع العرصات، وعليه حلة ال يقوم ألقل سلك منها الدنيا حبذافريها،

By the chain going up to Abu Muhammad Al-Askari having said: ‘Ali Bin Abu Talib said: ‘One who was from our Shias, knowledgeable with our Laws, so he extracts weak ones of our Shias from the darkness of their ignorance to light of the knowledge which we gifted it to him, would come on the Day of Judgment and upon his head would be a crown of light illuminating the people of the entire plains, and upon him would be a garment not having any comparison for it in the world.

مث ينادي مناد يا عباد اهلل هذا عامل من تالمذة بعض علماء آل حممد أال فمن أخرجه يف الدنيا من حرية جهله فليتشبث بنوره ليخرجه من حرية ظلمة هذه العرصات إىل نزه اجلنان فيخرج كل من كان علمه يف الدنيا خريا أو فتح عن قلبه من اجلهل قفال، أو أوضح له عن شبهة.

Then a Caller would Call out: ‘O servants of Allah! This scholar is from the students of one of the scholars of the Progeny of Muhammad. Indeed! So, the one whom he extracted in the world from the confusion of his ignorance, let him hold on with his light and let him extract him from the confusing darkness of these plains to the Gardens’. Thus he would extract ones he had taught good in the world, or had opened a lock of ignorance from his heart, or clarified his suspicion for him’’.

3 - م: قال أبو حممد العسكري عليه السالم: حضرت امرأة عند الصديقة فاطمة الزهراء عليها السالم فقالت: إن يل والدة ضعيفة وقد لبس عليها يف أمر صالهتا شئ، وقد بعثتين إليك أسألك،

‘Abu Muhammad Al Askari said: ‘A woman came to the presence of the truthful (Syeda) Fatima Al-Zahra and she said, ‘I have a weak mother and something regarding the matter of her Salat has worried her, and she has sent me to you to ask you.

فأجابتها فاطمة عليها السالم عن ذلك، فثنت فأجابت مث ثلثت إىل أن عشرت فأجابت مث خجلت من الكثرة فقالت: ال أشق عليك يا ابنة رسول اهلل،

So (Syeda) Fatima answered her about that. Then she asked a second, and she answered. Then a third, up to the tenth, and she answered. Then she was embarrassed from the large number of questions, so she said, ‘I do not want to place difficulty upon you, O daughter of Rasool-Allah!’

قالت فاطمة: هايت وسلي عما بدا لك، أرأيت من اكرتي يوما يصعد إىل سطح حبمل ثقيل وكراه مائة ألف دينار يثقل عليه ؟ فقالت: ال.

(Syeda) Fatima said: ‘Give (your questions) to me and ask me about whatever comes to you. What is your view of someone who had been hired to climb to the roof with a heavy burden and his pay was one hundred thousand Dinars, would it be heavy upon him?’ She said, ‘No’.

فقالت: اكرتيت أنا لكل مسألة بأكثر من ملء ما بني الثرى إىل العرش لؤلؤا فأحرى أن ال يثقل على، مسعت أيب صلى اهلل عليه وآله يقول: إن علماء شيعتنا حيشرون فيخلع عليهم من خلع الكرامات على قدر كثرة علومهم وجدهم يف إرشاد عباد اهلل حىت خيلع على الواحد منهم ألف ألف حلة من نور

She said: ‘I have been hired, for every question, with more than what would fill what is between the ground to the Throne with pearls, so it is more appropriate that it would not be heavy upon me. I heard my father saying: ‘The scholars of our Shias would be ushered and there would be garments upon them being garments of the honour upon a measurement of their knowledge and their striving in guiding the servants of Allah until there would be cast upon one of them, a thousand (over a) thousand garments of light.

مث ينادي منادي ربنا عز وجل: أيها الكافلون أليتام آل حممد - صلى اهلل عليه وآله -، الناعشون هلم عند انقطاعهم عن آبائهم الذين هم أئمتهم، هؤالء تالمذتكم واأليتام الذين كفلتموهم ونعشتموهم فاخلعوا عليهم خلع العلوم يف الدنيا فيخلعون على كل واحد من اولئك األيتام على قدر ما أخذوا عنهم من العلوم حىت أن فيهم يعين يف األيتام ملن خيلع عليه مائة ألف خلعة وكذلك خيلع هؤالء األيتام على من تعلم منهم،

Then a Caller of the Mighty and Majestic would Call out: “O you guarantors of the orphans of the Progeny of Muhammad, providing livelihood for them during their being cut-off from their fathers those whom they were orphaned from, they are your students, and the orphans, those who you are responsible for and provided livelihood for. So case upon them garments of knowledge in the world and cast upon each one of those orphans in accordance to what they took from them, to the extent that among the, meaning among the orphans, would be one upon whom would be cast hundred thousand garments, and similar to that, there would be cause upon those orphans, upon the ones who learnt from them (as well)!”

مث إن اهلل تعاىل يقول: أعيدوا على هؤالء العلماء الكافلني لأليتام حىت تتموا هلم خلعهم، وتضعفوها هلم فيتم هلم ما كان هلم قبل أن خيلعوا عليهم، ويضاعف هلم، وكذلك من يليهم ممن خلع على من يليهم.

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