Hymns of the Samaveda
Category: Hindu
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The Samaveda (Sanskrit: सामवेद, sāmaveda, from sāman "song" and veda "knowledge"), is the Veda of melodies and chants. It is an ancient Vedic Sanskrit text, and part of the scriptures of Hinduism. One of the four Vedas, it is a liturgical text which consists of 1,549 verses. All but 75 verses have been taken from the Rigveda. Three recensions of the Samaveda have survived, and variant manuscripts of the Veda have been found in various parts of India.

Hymns of the Samaveda

Ralph T.H. Griffith, Translator

First Part

Book I

Chapter I

Om. Glory to the Samaveda! To Lord Ganesa glory! Om.


1. Come, Agni, praised with song, to feast and sacrificial offering: sitAs Hotar on the holy grass!
2. O Agni, thou hast been ordained Hotar of every sacrifice,
By Gods, among the race of men.
3. Agni we choose as envoy, skilled performer of this holy rite,
Hotar, possessor of all wealth.
4. Served with oblation, kindled, bright, through love of song may Agni, bent
On riches, smite the Vritras dead!
5. I laud your most beloved guest like a dear friend, O Agni, himWho, like a chariot, wins us wealth. 6. Do thou, O Agni, with great might guard us from all malignity, Yea, from the hate of mortal man!
7. O Agni, come; far other songs of praise will I sing forth to thee.
Wax mighty with these Soma-drops!8.May Vatsa draw thy mind away even from thy loftiest dwelling place! Agni, I yearn for thee with song.9. Agni, Atharvan brought thee forth by rubbing from the sky, the head Of all who offer sacrifice.
10. O Agni, bring us radiant light to be our mighty succour, for
Thou art our visible deity!


1. O Agni, God, the people sing reverent praise to thee for strength:
With terrors trouble thou the foe
2. I seek with song your messenger, oblation-bearer, lord of wealth,
Immortal, best at sacrifice.
3. Still turning to their aim in thee the sacrificer’s sister hymns
Have come to thee before the wind.
4. To thee, illuminer of night, O Agni, day by day with prayer,
Bringing thee reverence, we come.
5. Help, thou who knowest lauds, this work, a lovely hymn in Rudra’s praise,
Adorable in every house!
6. To this fair sacrifice to drink the milky draught art thou called forth:
O Agni, with the Maruts come!
7. With homage will I reverence thee, Agni, like a long -tailed steed,
Imperial lord of holy rites.
8. As Aurva and as Bhrigu called, as Apnavana called, I call
The radiant Agni robed with sea.
9. When he enkindles Agni, man should with his heart attend the song:
I kindle Agni till he glows.
10. Then, verily, they see the light refulgent of primeval seed,
Kindled on yonder side of heaven.


1. Hither, for powerful kinship, I call Agni, him who prospers you,
Most frequent at our solemn rites.
2. May Agni with his pointed blaze cast down each fierce devouring friend:
May Agni win us wealth by war!
3. Agni, be gracious; thou art great: thou hast approached the pious man,
Hast come to sit on sacred grass.
4. Agni, preserve us, from distress consume our enemies,
O God, Eternal, with thy hottest flames
5. Harness, O Agni, O thou God, thy steeds which are most excellent!
The fleet ones bring thee rapidly.
6. Lord of the tribes, whom all must seek, we worshipped Agni set thee down,
Refulgent, rich in valiant men.
7. Agni is head and height of heaven, the master of the earth is he
He quickeneth the waters’ seed.
8. O Agni, graciously announce this our good fortune of the Gods,
And this our newest hymn of praise!
9. By song, O Agni, Angiras! Gopavana hath brought thee forth
Hear thou my call, refulgent one!
10. Agni, the Sage, the Lord of Strength, hath moved around the sacred gifts,
Giving the offerer precious things.
11. His heralds bear him up aloft, the God who knoweth all that lives,
The Sun, that all may look on him.
12. Praise Agni in the sacrifice, the Sage whose holy laws are true
The God who driveth grief away.
13. Kind be the Goddesses to lend us help, and kind that we may drink:
May their streams bring us health and wealth
14. Lord of the brave, whose songs dost thou in thine abundance now inspire,
Thou whose hymns help to win the kine?


1. Sing to your Agni with each song, at every sacrifice for strength.
Come, let us praise the wise and, everlasting God even as a well-beloved friend.
2. Agni, protect thou us by one, protect us by the second song,
Protect us by three hymns, O Lord of power and might, bright God, by four hymns guard us well!
3. O Agni, with thy lofty beams, with thy pure brilliancy, O God,
Kindled, most youthful one! by Bharadvaja’s hand, shine on us richly, holy Lord!
4. O Agni who art worshipped well, dear let our princes be to thee,
Our wealthy patrons who are governors of men, who part, as gifts, the stall of kine!
5. Agni, praise-singer! Lord of men, God! burning up the Rakshasas,
Mighty art thou, the ever-present, household-lord! home-friend and guardian from the sky.
6. Immortal Jatavedas, thou bright-hued refulgent gift of Dawn,
Agni, this day to him who pays oblations bring the Gods who waken with the morn!
7. Wonderful, with thy favouring help, send us thy bounties, gracious Lord.
Thou art the charioteer, Agni, of earthly wealth: find rest and safety for our seed!
8. Famed art thou, Agni, far and wide, preserver, righteous, and a Sage.
The holy singers, O enkindled radiant one, ordainers, call on thee to come.
9. O holy Agni, give us wealth famed among men and strengthening life!
Bestow on us, O helper, that which many crave, more glorious still through righteousness!10. To him, who dealeth out all wealth, the sweet-toned Hotar-priest of men, To him like the first vessels filled with savoury juice, to Agni let the lauds go forth.


1. With this mine homage I invoke Agni for you, the Son of Strength,
Dear, wisest envy, skilled in noble sacrifice, immortal messenger of all.
2. Thou liest in the logs that are thy mothers: mortals kindle thee.
Alert thou bearest off the sacrifleer’s gift, and then thou shinest to the Gods.
3. He hath appeared, best prosperer, in whom men lay their holy acts:
So may our songs of praise come nigh to Agni who was born to give the Arya strength!
4. Chief Priest is Agni at the laud, as stones and grass at sacrifice.
Gods! Maruts! Brahmanaspati! I crave with song the help that is most excellent.
5. Pray Agni of the piercing flame, with sacred songs, to be our help;
For wealth, famed Agni, Purumilha and ye men! He is Suditi’s sure defence.
6. Hear, Agni who hast ears to hear, with all thy train of escort Gods!
With those who come at dawn let Mitra, Aryaman sit on the grass at sacrifice.
7. Agni of Divodasa, God, comes forth like Indra in his might.
Rapidly hath he moved along his mother earth: he stands in high heaven’s dwelling-place.8. Whether thou come from earth or from the lofty lucid realm of heaven, Wax stronger in thy body through my song of praise: fill full all creatures, O most wise!9. If, loving well the forests, thou wentest to thy maternal floods,
Not to be scorned, Agni, is that return of thine when, from afar, thou now art here. 10. O Agni, Manu established thee a light for all the race of men:
With Kanva hast thou blazed, Law-born and waxen strong, thou whom the people reverence.

Chapter II


1. The God who giveth wealth accept your full libation poured to, him!
Pour ye it out, then fill the vessel full again, for so the God regardeth you.
2. Let Brahmanaspati come forth, let Sunrita the Goddess come,
And Gods bring to our rite which yields a five fold gift the hero, lover of mankind!
3. Stand up erect to lend us aid, stand up like Savitar the God,
Erect as strength-bestower when we call on thee with priests who balm our offerings!
4. The man who bringeth gifts to thee, bright God who fain wouldst lead to wealth, Winneth himself a brave son,
Agni! skilled in lauds, one prospering in a thousand ways.
5. With hymns and holy eulogies we supplicate your Agni,
Lord Of many families who duly serve the Gods, yea, him whom others too inflame.
6. This Agni is the Lord of great prosperity and hero, strength,
Of wealth with noble offspring and with store of kine, the Lord of battles with the foe.
7. Thou, Agni, art the homestead’s Lord, our Hotar-priest at sacrifice.
Lord of all boons, thou art the Potar, passing wise. Pay worship, and enjoy the good!
8. We as thy friends have chosen thee, mortals a God, to be our help.
The Waters’ Child, the blessed, the most mighty one, swift conqueror, and without a peer.


1. Present oblations, make him splendid: set ye as Hotar in his place the Home’s Lord, worshipped
With gifts and homage where they pour libations! Honour him meet for reverence in our houses.
2. Verily wondrous is the tender youngling’s growth who never draweth nigh to drink his mother’s milk.
As soon as she who hath no udder bore him, he, faring on his, great errand, suddenly grew strong.
3. Here is one light for thee, another yonder: enter the third and, be therewith united.
Beautiful be thy union with the body, beloved in the Gods’ sublimest birthplace!
4. For Jatavedas, worthy of our praise, will we frame with our mind this eulogy as ‘twere a car;
For good, in his assembly, is this care of ours. Let us not, in thy friendship, Agni, suffer harm!
5. Agni Vaisvanara, born in course of Order, the messenger of earth, the head of heaven,
The Sage, the sovran, guest of men, our vessel fit for their mouth, the Gods have generated.
6. Even as the waters from the mountain ridges, so sprang the; Gods, through lauds, from thee, O Agni.
To thee speed hymns and eulogies, as horses haste, bearing him who loves the song, to battle.
7. Win to protect you, Rudra, lord of worship, priest of both worlds, effectual sacrificer,
Agni, invested with his golden colours, before the thunder strike and lay you senseless!
8. The King whose face is decked with oil is kindled with homage offered by his faithful servant.
The men, the priests adore him with oblations. Agni hath shone forth at the flush of morning.
9. Agni advanceth with his lofty banner: through earth and heaven the Bull hath loudly bellowed
He hath come nigh from the sky’s farthest limit: the Steer hath waxen in the waters’ bosom.
10. From the two fire -sticks have the men engendered with thoughts, urged by the hand, the glorious Agni,
Far-seen, with pointed flame, Lord of the Homestead.


1. Agni is wakened by the people’s fuel to meet the Dawn who cometh like a milch-cow.
Like young trees shooting up on high their branches, his flames, are mounting to the vault of heaven.
2. Set forth the gleaming one, the song-inspirer, not foolish with. the foolish, fort-destroyer,
Who leadeth with his hymns to thought of conquest, gold-bearded, richly splendid with his armour
3. Thou art like heaven: one form is bright, one holy, like Day and Night dissimilar in colour.
All magic powers thou aidest, self-dependent! Auspicious bethy bounty here, O Pushan!
4. As holy food, Agni, to thine invoker give wealth in cattle, lasting, rich in marvels!
To us be born a son and spreading offspring. Agni, be this thy gracious will to us-ward!
5. Stablished to fill the juice with vital vigour, giver of wealth, guard of his servant’s body,
The great Priest, born, who knows the clouds, abider with men, is seated in the waters’ eddy.
6. Let the song, honouring the best, with longing honour the Asura’s most famous sovran,
The deeds of him the mighty, deeds like Indra’s, the manly one in whom the folk must triumph!
7. In the two kindling-blocks lies Jatavedas like the well-cherished germ in pregnant women, —
Agni who day by day must be entreated by men who watch provided with oblations.
8. Agni, from days of old thou slayest demons: never shall Rakshasas in fight o'ercome thee.
Burn up the foolish ones, raw flesh devourers: let none of them escape thine heavenly arrow!


1. Bring us most mighty splendour thou, Agni, resistless on thy way:
Prepare for us the path that leads to glorious opulence and strength!
2. May the brave man, if full of zeal he serve and kindle Agni’s flame,
Duly presenting sacred gifts, enjoy the Gods’ protecting help.
3. Thy bright smoke lifts itself aloft, and far-extended shines in heaven,
For, Purifier! like the Sun thou beamest with thy radiant glow.
4. Thou, Agni, even as Mitra, hast a princely glory of thine own.
Bright, active God, thou makest fame increase like means of nourishment.
5. At dawn let Agni, much-beloved, guest of the house, be glorified,
In whom, the everlasting one, all mortals make their offerings blaze.
6. Most moving song be Agni’s: shine on high, O rich in radiant light!
Like the chief consort of a King riches and strength proceed from thee.
7. Exerting all our strength with thoughts of power we glorify in speech
Agni your dear familiar friend, the darling guest in every house.
8. His beam hath lofty power of life: sing praise to Agni, to the God
Whom men have set in foremost place, like Mitra for their eulogy!
9. To noblest Agni, friend of man, chief Vritra-slayer, have we come-
Who with Srutarvan, Riksha’s son, in lofty presence is inflamed.
10. Born as the loftiest Law commands, comrade of those who grew with him.
Agni, the sire of Kasyapa by faith, the mother, Manu, Sage.


1. We in King Soma place our trust, in Agni, and in Varuna,
The Aditya, Vishnu, Surya, and the Brahman-priest Brihaspati.
2. Hence have these men gone up on high and mounted to the heights of heaven:
On! conquer on the path by which Angirasas travelled to the skies!
3. That thou mayst send us ample wealth, O Agni, we will kindler thee:
So, for the great oblation, Steer, pray Heaven and Earth to come to us!
4. He runs when one calls after him, This is the prayer of him who prays.
He holds all knowledge in his grasp even as the felly rounds the wheel.
5. Shoot forth, O Agni, with thy flame: demolish them on every side!
Break down the Yatudhana’s strength, the vigour of the Rakshasa!
6. Worship the Vasus, Agni! here, the Rudras and Adityas, all
Who know fair sacrifices, sprung from Mann, scattering blessings down!

Book II

Chapter I


1. Agni, thy faithful servant I call upon thee with many a gift,
As in the keeping of the great inciting God.
2. To Agni, to the Hotar-priest offer your best, your lofty speech,
To him ordainer-like who bears the light of songs.
3. O Agni, thou who art the lord of wealth in kine, thou Son of Strength,
Bestow on us, O Jatavedas, high renown
4. Most skilled in sacrifice, bring the Gods, O Agni, to the pious, man:
A joyful Priest, thy splendour drives our foes afar
5. Taught by seven mothers at his birth was he, for glory of the wise.
He, firm and sure, hath set his mind on glorious wealth
6. And in the day our prayer is this: May Aditi come nigh to help,
With loving-kindness bring us weal and chase our foes
7. Worship thou Jatavedas, pray to him who willingly accepts,
Whose smoke wanders at will, and none may grasp his flame
8. No mortal man can e'er prevail by arts of magic over him
Who hath served Agni well, the oblation-giving God.
9. Agni, drive thou the wicked foe, the evil-hearted thief away,
Far, far, Lord of the brave! and give us easy paths!
10. O hero Agni, Lord of men, on hearing this new laud of mine
Burn down the Rakshasas, enchanters, with thy flame!


1. Sing forth to him the holy, most munificent, sublime with his refulgent glow,
To Agni, ye Upastutas
2. Agni, he conquers by thine aid that brings him store of valiant sons and does great deeds,
Whose bond of friendship is thy choice
3. Sing praise to him the Lord of light! The Gods have made the God to be their messenger,
To bear oblation to the Gods.
4. Anger not him who is our guest! He is the bright God Agni, praised by many a man,
God Hotar, skilled in sacrifice.
5. May Agni, worshipped, bring us bliss: may the gift, blessed one! and sacrifice bring bliss.
Yea, may our eulogies bring bliss.
6. Thee have we chosen skilfullest in sacrifice, immortal Priest among the Gods,
Wise finisher of this holy rite.
7. Bring us that splendour, Agni, which may overcome each greedy fiend in our abode,
And the malicious wrath of men!
8. Soon as the eager Lord of men is friendly unto Manu’s race
Agni averteth from us all the Rakshasas!


1. Sing this, beside the flowing juice, to him your hero, much-invoked,
To please him as a mighty Bull
2. O Satakratu Indra, now rejoice with that carouse of thine
Which is most glorious of all!
3. Ye cows, protect the fount: the two mighty ones bless the sacrifice.
The handles twain are wrought of gold.
4. Sing praises that the horse may come; sing, Srutakaksha, that the cow
May come, that Indra’s might may come
5. We make this Indra very strong to strike, the mighty Vritra dead:
A vigorous hero shall he be.
6. Based upon strength and victory and power, O Indra, is thy birth:
Thou, mighty one! art strong indeed.
7. The sacrifice made Indra great when he unrolled the earth, and made
Himself a diadem in heaven.
8. If I, O Indra, were, like thee, the single ruler over wealth
My worshipper should be rich in kine.
9. Pressers, blend Soma juice for him, each draught most excellent, for him
The brave, the hero, for his joy.
10. Here is the Soma juice expressed. O Vasu, drink till thou art full:
Undaunted God, we give it thee


1. Surya, thou mountest up to meet the hero famous for his wealth,
Who hurls the bolt and works for man.
2. Whatever, Vritra-slayer! thou, Surya hast risen upon to-day,
That, Indra, all is in thy power.
3. That Indra is our youthful friend, who with his trusty guidance led
Turvasa, Yadu from afar.
4. O Indra, let not ill designs surround us in the sunbeams’ light
This may we gain with thee for friend!
5. Indra, bring wealth that gives delight, the victor’s ever-conquering wealth,
Most excellent, to be our aid
6. In mighty battle we invoke Indra, Indra is lesser fight,
The friend who bends his bolt at fiends.
7. In battle of a thousand arms Indra drank Kadru’s Soma juice
There he displayed his manly might.
8. Faithful to thee, we sing aloud, heroic Indra, songs to theeMark, O good Lord, this act of ours!9. Hitherward! they who light the flame and straightway trim the sacred grass,Whose friend is Indra ever young.10. Drive all our enemies away, smite down the foes who press around, And bring the wealth for which we long!

DECADE V Indra and Others

1. I Hear, as though ‘twere close at hand, the cracking of the whips they hold:
They gather splendour on their way.
2. Indra, these friends of ours, supplied with Soma, wait and look to thee
As men with fodder to the herd.
3. Before his hot displeasure all the peoples, all the men bow down,
As rivers bow them to the sea.
4. We choose unto ourselves that high protection of the mighty Gods,
That it may help and succor us.
5. O Brahmanaspati, make thou Kakshivan Ausija a loud
Chanter of flowing Soma juice!
6. Much honoured with libations may the Vritra-slayer watch for us:
May Sakra listen to our prayer
7. Send us this day, God Savitar, prosperity with progeny
Drive thou the evil dream away!
8. Where is that ever-youthful Steer, strong-necked and never yet bent down?
What Brahman ministers to him?
9. There where the mountains downward slope, there at the meeting of the streams
The Sage was manifest by song.
10. Praise Indra whom our songs must laud, sole sovran of mankind, the chief
Most liberal who controlleth men

Chapter II

DECADE I Indra and Others

1. Indra whose jaws are strong hath drunk of worshipping Sudaksha’s draught,
The Soma juice with barley brew.
2. O Lord of ample wealth, these songs of praise have called aloud to thee,
Like milch-kine lowing to their calves!
3. Then straight they recognized the mystic name of the creative Steer,
There in the mansion of the Moon.
4. When Indra, strongest hero, brought the streams, the mighty waters down,
Pushan was standing by his side.
5. The Cow, the streaming mother of the liberal Maruts, pours her milk,
Harnessed to draw their chariots on.
6. Come, Lord of rapturous joys, to our libation with thy bay steeds, come
With bay steeds to the flowing juice
7. Presented strengthening gifts have sent Indra away at sacrifice,
With night, unto the cleansing bath.
8. I from my Father have received deep knowledge of eternal Law:
I was born like unto the Sun.
9. With Indra splendid feasts be ours, rich in all strengthening things, wherewith,
Wealthy in food, we may rejoice
10. Soma and Pushan, kind to him who travels to the Gods, provide
Dwellings all happy and secure.


1. Invite ye Indra with a song to drink your draught of Soma steeds, juice,
All-conquering Satakratu, most munificent of all who live
2. Sing ye a song, to make him glad, to Indra, Lord of tawny
The Soma-drinker, O my friends!
3. This, even this, O Indra, we implore: as thy devoted friends
The Kanvas praise thee with their hymns!
4. For Indra, lover of carouse, loud be our songs about the juice
Let poets sing the song of praise.
5. Here, Indra, is thy Soma draught, made pure upon the sacred grass:
Run hither, come and drink thereof
6. As a good cow to him who milks, we call the doer of good deeds
To our assistance duy by day.
7. Hero, the Soma being shed, I pour the juice for thee to drink
Sate thee and finish thy carouse!
8. The Soma, Indra, which is shed in saucers and in cups for thee,
Drink thou, for thou art lord thereof!
9. In every need, in every fray we call, as friends, to succor us,
Indra, the mightiest of all.
10. O come ye hither, sit ye down: to Indra sing ye forth your song,
Companions, bringing hymns of praise


1. So, Lord of affluent gifts, this juice hath been expressed for thee with strength:
Drink of it, thou who lovest song!
2. Great is our Indra from of old; greatness be his, the ThundererWide as the heaven extends his might.3. Indra, as one with mighty arm, gather for us with thy right handManifold and nutritious spoil!4. Praise, even as he is known, with song Indra the guardian of the kine,
The Son of Truth, Lord of the brave.5. With what help will he come to us, wonderful, ever-waxing friend?With what most mighty company?6. Thou speedest down to succour us this ever-conquering God of yoursHim who is drawn to all our songs.7. To the assembly’s wondrous Lord, the lovely friend of Indra, IHad prayed for wisdom and successs.
8. May all thy paths beneath the sky whereby thou speedest Vyasva on,Yea, let all spaces hear our voice9. Bring to us all things excellent, O Satakratu, food and strength,For, Indra, thou art kind to us!10. Here is the Soma ready pressed: of this the Maruts, yea, of this,Self-luminous the Asvins drink.

DECADE IV Indra and Others

1. Tossing about, the active ones came nigh to Indra at his birth,
Winning themselves heroic might.
2. Never, O Gods, do we offend, nor are we ever obstinate
We walk as holy texts command.
3. Evening is come: sing loudly thou Atharvan’s nobly singing son:
Give praise to Savitar the God!
4. Now Morning with her earliest light shines forth, dear daughter of the Sky:
High, Asvins, I extol your praise.
5. Armed with the bones of dead Dadhyach, Indra, with unresisted might
The nine-and-ninety Vritras slew.
6. Come, Indra, and delight thee with the juice at all our Soma feasts,
Protector, mighty in thy strength
7. O thou who slayest Vritras, come, O Indra, hither to our side,
Mighty one, with thy mighty aids!
8. That might of his shone brightly forth when Indra brought together, like
A skin, the worlds of heaven and earth,
9. This is thine own Thou drawest near, as turns a pigeon to his mate:
Thou carest, too, for this our prayer.
10. May Vata breathe his balm on us, healthful, delightful to our heart:
May he prolong our days of life

DECADE V Indra and Others

1. Ne'er is he injured whom the Gods Varuna, Mitra, Aryam.
The excellently wise, protect.
2. According to our wish for kine, for steeds and chariots, as of old,
Be gracious to our wealthy chiefs
3. Indra, these spotted cows yield thee their butter and the milky draught,
Aiders, thereby, of sacrifice.
4. That thou much-lauded! many-named! mayst, with this thought, that longs for milk,
Come to each Soma sacrifice.
5. May bright Sarasvati, endowed with plenteous wealth and spoil, enriched
With prayer, desire the sacrifice.
6. Why ‘mid the Nahusha tribes shall sate this Indra with his Soma juice?
He shall bring precious things to us.
7. Come, we have pressed the juice for thee; O Indra, drink this Soma here:
Sit thou on this my sacred grass
8. Great, unassailable must be the heavenly favour of the Three,
Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman.
9. We, Indra, Lord of ample wealth, our guide, depend on one like thee,
Thou driver of the tawny steeds!

Book III

Chapter I


1. Let Soma juices make thee glad! Display thy bounty, Thunderer:
Drive off the enemies of prayer!
2. Drink our libation, Lord of hymns! with streams of meath thou art bedewed:
Yea, Indra, glory is thy gift.
3. Indra hath ever thought of you and tended you with care.
The God, Heroic Indra, is not checked.
4. Let the drops pass within thee as the rivers flow into the sea
O Indra, naught excelleth thee!
5. Indra, the singers with high praise, Indra reciters with their lauds,
Indra the choirs have glorified.
6. May Indra give, to aid us wealth handy that rules the skilful ones!
Yea, may the Strong give potent wealth
7. Verily Indra, conquering all, drives even mighty fear away,
For firm is he and swift to act.
8. These songs with every draught we pour come, lover of the song, to thee
As milch-kine hasten to their calves.
9. Indra and Wishan will we call for friendship and prosperity,
And for the winning of the spoil.
10. O Indra, Vritra-slayer, naught is better, mightier than thou
Verily there is none like thee!


1. Him have I magnified, our Lord in common, guardian of your folk,
Discloser of great wealth in kine.
2. Songs have outpoured themselves to thee, Indra, the strong, the guardian Lord,
And with one will have risen to thee!
3. Good guidance hath the mortal man whom Arya-man, the Marut host,
And Mitras, void of guile, protect.
4. Bring us the wealth for which we long, O Indra, that which is concealed
In strong firm place precipitous.
5. Him your best Vritra-slayer, him the famous champion of mankind
I urge to great munificence.
6. Indra, may we adorn thy fame, fame of one like thee, hero! deck,
Sakra! thy fame at highest feast!
7. Indra, accept at break of day our Soma mix with roasted corn,
With groats, with cake, with eulogies!
8. With waters’ foam thou torest off, Indra, the head of Namuchi,
When thou o'ercamest all the foes.
9. Thine are these Soma juices, thine, Indra, those still to be expressed:
Enjoy them, Lord of princely wealth!
10. For thee, O Indra, Lord of light, Somas are pressed and grass is strewn:
Be gracious to thy worshippers!

1. We seeking strength, with Soma drops fill full your Indra like a well,
Most liberal, Lord of boundless might.
2. O Indra, even from that place come unto us with food that gives
A hundred, yea, a thousand powers!
3. The new-born Vritra-slayer asked his mother, as he seized his shaft,
Who are the, fierce and famous ones?
4. Let us call him to aid whose hands stretch far, the highly-lauded, who
Fulfills the work to favour us
5. Mitra who knoweth leadeth us, and Varuna who guideth straight,
And Aryaman in accord with Gods.
6. When, even as she were present here, red Dawn hath shone from far away,
She spreadeth light on every side.
7. Varuna, Mitra, sapient pair, pour fatness on our pastures, pour
Meath on the regions of the air!
8. And, at our sacrifices, these, sons, singers, have enlarged their bounds,
So that the cows must walk knee-deep.
9. Through all this world strode Vishnu: thrice his foot he planted, and the whole
Was gathered in his footstep’s dust.


1. Pass by the wrathful offerer; speed the man who pours libation, drink
The juice which he presents to thee!
2. What is the word addressed to him, God great and excellently wise?
For this is what exalteth him.
3. His wealth who hath no store of kine hath ne'er found out recited laud,
Nor song of praises that is sung.
4. Lord of each thing that giveth strength, Indra delighteth most in lauds,
Borne by bay steeds, libations’ friend.
5. With wealth to our libation come, be not thou angry with us, like
A great man with a youthful bride.
6. When, Vasu, wilt thou love the laud? Now let the Channel bring the stream.
The juice is ready to ferment.
7. After the Seasons. Indra, drink the Soma from the Brahman’s gift:
Thy friendship is invincible!
8. O Indra, lover of the song, we are the singers of thy praise
O Soma-drinker, quicken us!
9. O Indra, in each fight and fray give to our bodies manly strength:
Strong Lord, grant ever-conquering might!
10. For so thou art the brave man’s friend; a hero, too, art thou, and strong:
So may thine heart be won to us!

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